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"If thou wouldst seek unto God betimes, and make thy supplication to the Almighty; if thou wert pure and upright, surely now He would awake for thee. . . Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end shall greatly increase." (Job viii. 5-7.)
One may seek God at any hour of the day; but to seek Him early is best. Seeking early is the proof that this is to us the first and most important work of the day. Seeking early helps the soul to wait upon God the whole day, and seeking early can lay claim to gracious promises.
If you awake early to seek God, God will awake early for your sake. If you seek Him early and make supplication to the Almighty, if you cast out sin and are pure and upright, " though thy beginning was small thy latter end shall greatly increase." It shall be with your soul as with the morning hours. The dawn begins with a few faint beams of light, but the light increases continually unto the perfect day. Your beginning, too, shall be small, the work of grace may be, at first, very feeble, but" thy latter end shall greatly increase." Only persevere in early seeking after God. Be alone with God, regularly, faithfully, morning after morning, without knowing how the blessing is going to come. You will grow stronger in the fear and the service of God, and in the love and joy of Christ. The God whom you seek early is a faithful God, "surely now He will awake for thee," and watch over thee in silence and work in thee, and" thy latter end shall greatly increase if thou wouldst seek unto God betimes."
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