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"And Joshua rose early in the morning, and the priests took up the ark of the Lord." (Josh. vi. 12, also iii. 1, vii. 16, viii. 10.)
Four times Joshua is spoken of as rising up early in the morning, first at Shittim, where the people were about to pass over Jordan to take possession of the Promised Land; a second time at Jericho before compassing the walls of the city; then on the occasion of the discovery and punishment of the sin of Achan, and again at the capture of Ai. His early rising was the proof of his determination to do the work that God, from time to time, gave him to do. That determination was the proof of the strength of his trust in God to give Israel the victory, and the land of promise.
For many, in these days, who can find no quiet moment in the middle of the day, early rising is of more importance to the spiritual life than perhaps they think. The word" early" does not convey the same meaning to everyone. But its meaning for all is that we must rise early enough to have some time alone with God. The conquest of the land of promise, the living of a strong life of faith, the discovery and extermination of secret sins, triumphant victory over enemies-all this is not achieved in idleness and ease. As Joshua rose up early to all those tasks that, as a servant of God, he might do God's all with undivided heart, so should it be with us. Let everyone, who longs to be like Joshua, a man of faith, and, like him, to receive the reward of faith, remember that it is written of him, "Joshua rose early in the morning."
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