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Text Sermons : Andrew Murray : MORNING WATCH - SEVENTH DAY

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And thou shalt overlay it ( the altar) with pure gold. . . and Aaron shall burn thereon incense of sweet spices every morning; when he dresseth the lamps he shall burn it." (Exod. xxx. 3, 7.)

The "incense of sweet spices" signifies prayer. "Let my prayer be set forth as incense before Thee." (Ps. cxli. 2.) "And there was given unto him (the angel) much incense that he should add it unto the prayers of all the saints upon the golden altar that was before the throne." (Rev. viii. 3.)

The prayer that comes up to God through the great High Priest is to Him a sweet savour. Every morning that incense had to be burnt by the priests while the house of God was filled with the fragrance. This is what I, too, must do as a priest of God-I am the temple of God. The whole heart must be filled with the sweet savour of the prayer and thanksgiving which I offer up to God every morning. One thing, above all, is necessary to this end. I must know that my prayers are acceptable to the Father. The Holy Spirit will give me inward assurance of this. I must take time before my prayer, and during prayer, and after prayer, to realize, by faith, God's love and favour. I must, by faith, become conscious of my unity with Christ. I must surrender myself to the purpose of walking in that union. I must suffer the Holy Spirit to breathe into me the living assurance that my Father verily looks upon my prayer with pleasure.

This will fill me with the strength to burn my incense of sweet spices every morning, to send up prayers inspired by the Holy Spirit. Then I can go forth to walk as a priest before God the whole day.

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