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Text Sermons : Andrew Murray : MORNING WATCH - SIXTH DAY

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"The one lamb thou shalt offer in the morning and the other lamb thou shalt offer at even. . This shall be a continual burnt offering throughout your generations. . . before the Lord, where I will meet you to speak there unto thee." (Exod. xxix. 39. 42.)

Beside the continual burnt offering in the morning which was for a "continual burnt offering" (Num. xxviii. 10), the sin offering foreshadowed Christ alone; the thank offering has reference to us, and what we bring to God; the burnt offering to Christ and also to us. The distinguishing mark of the burnt offering was that it was placed whole upon the altar, so as to rise up wholly to God in the fire. Other offerings were brought from time to time.

The morning burnt offering had to be brought each day, it was the beginning of the service of God for that day, and the Christian, too, should bring his burnt offering every morning. What does this mean? Every morning he comes to God looking to the Lamb of God offered for his sin. He sees how Jesus gave Himself a whole burnt offering to God, and learns how he must do it, too; because he is one with Christ even in His death, because he must be a perfect copy of his Lord, because the same Spirit dwells in him, he lays himself upon the altar of Christ's merit as a living, holy sacrifice, well-pleasing unto God; he sacrifices himself entirely to God. Christian, it is a great thing to accomplish this sacrifice every morning, but it is a glorious thing, the secret of a blessed day.

The fire of the Spirit descends upon such a sacrifice. Take time in silence and solitude until you are assured, and can say, "My offering is upon the altar acceptable unto the Father, and the fire shall consume it."

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