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"And it came to pass on the third day in the morning that there were thunders and lightnings. . . . Moses brought forth the people out of the camp to meet with God. . . . And when the voice of the trumpet sounded long and waxed louder and louder, Moses spake and God answered him by a voice." (Exod. xix. 16-19.)
What a memorable day for Moses and for Israel and for all mankind-the day on which the Law was promulgated! The day begins at the morning hour when Moses led out the people to meet with God, and spake with God, and God answered him.
The law of God must be renewed every day in our hearts. The inward law of the Spirit is a living law, and is every day renewed and kept in force from heaven. If I wish to have this experience during the day, I must begin this morning as Moses did go to meet with God, and speak with Him, and wait for His answer.
To meet with God! Prepare, my soul, to meet thy God. God had said to Moses; .. Sanctify them against the morrow, for I will come unto thee." He who would meet with God must purify and sanctify himself, lay aside all that is sinful with a humble confession of guilt; offer thyself to God a holy sacrifice. Give thyself with fear and reverence into the hands of the great and holy God, that He may be Lord over you this day. Prepare to meet Him. Be content with nothing less. Take time, be still before Him, let faith await God. He will come unto thee. And when thou hast met with Him, speak unto Him and let Him answer thee. Let His Word be through the Holy Spirit His voice in thy soul. The morning whereon thou hast met with Him will be the beginning of a blessed day.
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