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The 1966 Southam Cheswick Convention, Dallas Texas, January 20th, Major Thomas.
Message: A Man approved of God.
Thank you so much for that very wonderful message to our hearts. It is lovely to share
the ministry in this way with our brother Frank Barnes and to add the spoken Word to the
sung Word. And it is all about our wonderful Lord Jesus in whomas we have already
had tonight so wonderfully demonstratedwe share such rich fellowship.
When is saw that show of hands I felt very much at home as I am a baptized Episcopal
Presbyterian from leanings towards Methodist and the Brethren with a Congregational
background with just a splash of Salvation Army I really felt at home.
Folks sometimes ask me my denominational allegiance, well I just had to tell you.
It is so wonderful to be with you again tonight and to know that you are here as I believe
those of us on the platform and in the choir consciously to enjoy the presence of our Lord
Jesus. Isnt it a thrilling thing to think that all throughout this past day we have been
sharing his love? Because that is exactly what it means to be a Christian, to share the life
of the Lord Jesus. And as we share his life he shares our lives. He is not ashamed. He is
not ashamed to call us his brethren, the firstborn among many brethren.
And that is why tonight I want to talk about him, because, you see, the subject officially
for the night, as it has been throughout this day, is the person, office and work of the
Holy Spirit. And there is no person who more wonderfully, [?] demonstrated in his
humanity the person, office and work of the Holy Spirit than the Lord Jesus himself. So
the obvious person to talk about is the Lord Jesus, because for 33 years he gave a
demonstration of this wonderful glorious truth. He was himself the most vivid, glorious
demonstration of this phenomenon, this phenomenon of all phenomena which Dr.
Redpath described this morning as the eschatological phenomena, God in the flesh
manifest, the Word, the eternal Word, the created Word incarnate. That is a phenomenon.
But what we do need to recognize constantly and I again and again remind ourselves of is
that if it is a phenomenon that God can be manifest in the flesh, it was precisely to be
such a phenomenon that God created you and me. And I want to remind you at the very
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outset of our session this evening as we consider the person of our wonderful Lord Jesus
that everything he was as a man he, as God, created us to be.
Now sometimes we dont recognize that fact. We tend, of course, to think of the Lord
Jesus as Superman. And by thinking of the Lord Jesus as Superman, we rob ourselves of
the glorious emancipating message that his life brings to you and to me.
The amazing thing is this, that although the Lord Jesus was never less than God in
eternal, unchanging co-equality, in the tri-unity of deity with the Father and the Holy
Spirit, the amazing thing is this, that when he came into this world he came to be
precisely man as he, as God, created man to be.
You see, when I think of the Lord Jesus as Superman, essentially God in his humanity
and behaving only in all the fullness of his deity as a man, I tend to worship him, love
him and admire him. But when it comes to my responsibility to live the kind of life on
earth that he lived then 1900 years ago, I almost dismiss it and say, Well, it was all right
for him. He was God, but I am not God.
But, you know, if we think like that, we rob ourselves of the message of the life of the
Lord Jesus, because what the Lord Jesus is trying to teach us and tell us throughout the 33
years of his sinless humanity on earth is how to be man as he, as God, was man,
demonstrating mans humanity.
You see, the Lord Jesus is not only eh truth about God, he is the truth about man. He was
the truth about God because he was the truth about man. Because, to tell you the truth
about man, man was to be the truth about God. Is that obvious to you?
Let me say it again. Think it through. The Lord Jesus on earth for 33 years was the truth
about God because he was the truth about man, because, to tell you the truth about man,
was to have been the truth about God.
Genesis chapter one, And God said, Let us make man in our image.1 And in the
likeness of God made he him.2
So if Adam in his innocency created efficiently the function of the purpose which God
made him...
...walked this earth and you wanted to know the truth about God, who ought you to have
looked at? The one whom God created to make an invisible God visible, Adam. And if
Adam was being true to his humanity he would be the truth, exactly truth about what God
was like. Now isnt that an amazing thing?
And, of course, you see today in the 20th century you and I are being true to our humanity
on in the measure that we are the truth about Jesus Christ.
The tragedy is this. And, of course, this is the nature of our sin that all too often we are
telling lies about Jesus Chris. We call ourselves Christians inhabited by the living,
eternal, timeless God and we should be telling the truth about Jesus Christ by what we
are. We should be telling the truth about Jesus Christ by the attitudes we adopt, the
language that we use, the thoughts of our minds, but we are not telling the truth about
Jesus Christ as he so perfectly told the truth for 33 years about his Father.
He could say, He that hath seen me hath seen [who?] the Father.3
Because I am the truth about my Father. I just dont tell you about my Father. I am the
truth about my Father. But nothing about me that is incompatible with what my Father is.
I am the truth about God.
That is a phenomenon. And yet it was precisely for this glorious function that you and I
were made, that man should be inhabited by God himself in such a way that God can
communicate his character, his nature, his very being through a man. It is wonderful.
Do you know what it says in the57th chapter of the prophecy of Isaiah? Isaiah 57 and
verse 15.
For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity...4
What? Where is God? What is his habitat? What is Gods habitation? Eternity. Only
eternity is big enough for God. For God is preexistent, self existent, eternally existent.
From the timeless ages of the past on into the timeless ages of the future. You see, Gods
character is eternal. He is eternal life.
And this is the record, that God hath given to us eternal life,5 and this quality of life
called eternal is vested in the person of the Son, the Word, who was with God and is God
and by whom all things were made, the created Word. And there is only one place big
enough for eternal life and that is eternity. And God who is eternal inhabits eternity. But
the amazing thing is this.
For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth eternity, whose name is Holy; I
dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit.6
The amazing thing is this: that the God who inhabits eternity is the one who is prepared
to inhabit you. God incarnate, God clothed with a mans humanity. This is the unique
character of man as God made him that he was literally, not just figuratively, but literally,
factually to enter into it experientially, created by God, literally to be inhabited by God.
And when the Lord Jesus Christ came into this world he came to show us exactly what
man was intended to be and how a man on earth may be inhabited by an eternal God so
that that eternal God can give tangible expression, his character, his person, his being, his
name for the man whom he inhabits.
And to this end the Lord Jesus became man.
Would you turn with me to the epistle to the Philippians chapter two?
Verse five tells us, Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being
in the form of God...7 a form that no man has seen and a form that no man can see, the
form of God. God has a form, but we dont know what that form is. The Lord Jesus we
know was in the form of God.
But he thought it not robbery to be equal with God.8
He did not think this equality with God was a thing to be eagerly grasped or retained.
But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a
servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion
as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the
death of the cross.9
The Lord Jesus in the form of God, possessing all the attributes which make God God,
deliberately set aside those divine attributes that make God God and submitted himself to
those limitations that make a man man. But he, as God, created a man to be inhabited by
God, that the God who inhabits eternity might inhabit that man and that the God
inhabiting that man might through that man make tangible, visible his own character, his
own being as in a man without the God who inhabits is nothing. For it is the God in the
man who make the man man as God intended man to be.
And that is why when the Lord Jesus Christ came to this world, though he was never less
than God, deliberately made himself all that a man is without God, nothing. He made
himself of no reputation.
In the New English Translation it says, He made himself nothing. Amazing.
The Lord Jesus of his own free volition, he need never have done it, made himself
nothing, all that a man is without God, nothing.
Now, the purpose for which, of course, the Lord Jesus made himself nothing was that his
Father, as God, might inhabit his humanity and be in him everything, that there might be
a total communication of the character of his Father as God through is humanity as man.
It was the office of the Lord Jesus in the sinlessness of his humanity to place God where
he could be seen.
For, No man hath seen God at any time; the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of
the Father, he hath declared him.10
So the first consideration for tonight against this background is Jesus becoming, Jesus
becoming as man, the Son of God in his humanity, Jesus becoming.
And we are going to examine the office of the Holy Spirit in that process whereby Jesus
became. And to this end we are going to turn to the first chapter of the record that Luke
gives us in his gospel, Luke chapter one.
Jesus becoming man. The Son of God and the Son of Man.
Twenty-six of chapter one in the book of Luke.
And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of
Galilee, named Nazareth, To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was
Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgins name was Mary. And the
angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the
Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women. And when she saw
him, she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what manner of
salutation this should be. And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for
thou hast found favour with God. And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy
womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name JESUS. He shall be
great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall
give unto him the throne of his father David: And he shall reign over the
house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end.11
Now that is how it all began. Bethlehem, over 1900 years ago, that first Christmas day
when the Lord Jesus was born into this world and God was incarnate stepping out of
eternity into time and clothing himself with mans humanity. This is how it began. It
began with the Word of God upon the lips of Gods faithful servant the angel Gabriel
who suddenly burst into the life of this woman Mary.
And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and
shalt call his name JESUS. He shall be great, and shall be called the Son
of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his
father David: And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of
his kingdom there shall be no end.12
The astonishment, in that incredible Word of God, that this message should come from
God upon the lips of his faithful servant into this womans heart. He began with the
Word of God, something God had to say. God said it. The angel Gabriel delivered the
message. That is all.
And the natural reaction of the natural heart of this natural woman to this unnatural word
was one of incredulity.
How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?13
I am sure our brother who led us in prayer at the opening of this session had no idea that
this is the particular passage that God had laid upon my heart for the opening of this
evening hour, but my heart rejoiced when he quoted these words, because this was the
natural reaction of the natural heart of a natural woman to the unnatural Word of God.
How can this [thing] be, seeing I know not a man?14
Here the woman Mary repudiates the physical, natural premise of physical, natural birth.
We may recognize from this, of course, that if the Lord Jesus Christ had not been born
miraculously by divine intervention, conceived of the Holy Spirit, then this woman Mary
was not only unfaithful to the one to whom she was betrothed, but she was a bad woman.
She was a liar.
But her protest in the face of the angel, was simply this. The physical prerequisite of
natural birth is not extant. This is a sheer physical, natural impossibility. How can this
thing be?
Not only did Mary herself repudiate the physical prerequisite of natural, physical birth,
but Joseph himself, we are told, in the record as Matthew gives it in the first chapter of
his gospel, repudiated himself of physical responsibility for the birth of Jesus Christ.
For in Matthew chapter one verse 18 we are told:
Now the birth of Jesus Christ was on this wise: When as his mother Mary
was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with
child of the Holy Ghost. Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and
not willing to make her a publick example, was minded to put her away
But here was a woman who was espoused to him to be his wedded wife. But before they
came together in marriage and suddenly to his alarm he discovers that this woman is
already great with child. But he is a kind hearted man. He is not a vicious man. He is a
broken hearted man. He is grieved. He is cut to the quick to think that this woman upon
whom he had lavished his love and in whose love he had trusted had betrayed his
But being a just and a kind hearted man he didnt want to make her a public exhibition,
so he decided that he would put here away privily, just quietly dispense with her without
exhibiting her to public shame.
But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in
a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for
that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.16
That which is conceived in here is of divine origin, of the Holy Ghost.
And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his
people from their sins.17
Joseph repudiated the physical responsibility for the birth of the Lord Jesus. Mary denied
that she had had any intercourse with any other man. If the Lord Jesus had been born in
any other way than by the direct miraculous intervention of God, conceived in the womb,
the only occasion in the whole Word of God where this particular expression is used
which, in itself, is gynecologically inaccurate, conceived in the womb by the Holy Spirit.
Then we must be led to the only other possible alternative, that Jesus Christ was born the
illegitimate child of a faithless woman who added lying to her infidelity.
This, of course, is what some would have us believe today who tell you that the virgin
birth of Jesus Christ is neither true nor necessary, who repudiate theologically as though
it didnt matter.
As once the theologians of his day repudiated the miraculous conception by the Holy
Spirit of the Lord Jesus in the womb of Mary for you will remember in the eighth chapter
of Johns gospel when the Lord Jesus was talking to the Pharisees, John chapter eight, he
says, verse 40:
But now ye seek to kill me, a man that hath told you the truth, which I
have heard of God: this did not Abraham. Ye do the deeds of your father.
Then said they to him, We be not born of fornication; we have one Father,
even God.18
Do you understand what they meant? This was a wicked sly stab.
We be not born of fornication.19
We are not illegitimate children like you are.
That is what they meant.
For the ecclesiastical hierarchy of his day repudiated the miraculous conception by the
Holy Spirit of the Lord Jesus in the womb of Mary as do also many of our theological
leaders today.
But the birth of Jesus Christ was no accident. The birth of Jesus Christ was the
fulfillment of the divine program named Jesus a son from his mothers womb.
You turn to the prophecy of Isaiah again and to the 48th chapter and here is the whole
trinity of deity in a nutshell, in one verse. Isaiah 48 and verse 16:
Come ye near unto me, hear ye this; I have not spoken in secret from the beginning;
from the time that it was [in your human past tense], there am I,20 in the eternal present
tense of deity. This is the Lord Jesus speaking prophetically on the lips of his servant
I have not spoken in secret from the beginning; from the time that it was, there am I.21
Before Abraham was, I am.22
And now the Lord GOD, [the Father] and his Spirit, [the Holy Spirit] hath sent me.23
Isaiah chapter 49 verse one.
Listen, O isles, unto me; and hearken, ye people, from far; The LORD hath called me
from the womb; from the bowels of my mother hath he made mention of my name.24
Jesus, Redeemer, Jesus, Savior, Immanuel, God with us, God incarnate, the Word made
That which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost. And she shall bring forth a son, and
thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins.25
And so the Lord Jesus as named before he was born, named a boy.
And how? How can this thing be?
Turning back to the first chapter of the gospel of Luke and in the 35th verse:
And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and
the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall
be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.26
Mary, if you want to know how the Word of God is to be implemented, I will tell you.
The Word of God will be implemented through the Spirit of God. By the Word of God,
the incorruptible seed through the Holy Ghost, the Spirit of God implementing the Word
of God to clothe the life of God with the body of the Son of God. This was the office of
the Holy Spirit.
And the virgin birth of the Lord Jesus Christ is the most magnificent illustration that the
Bible gives us of spiritual regeneration. The virgin birth of the Lord Jesus Christ
presupposes the total depravity of man. It recognizes the fact that every child born of
fallen Adams race will be inhabited by sin and totally uninhabited by God. And
therefore it is was necessary that God the Holy Spirit miraculously should intervene that
fashioned within the womb of Mary their might be a little body presented to the Lord
Jesus as the Son of God as that which would clothe his life on earth, uninhabited by sin,
but only exclusively, totally inhabited by God.
And the birth of Jesus Christ, conceived of the Holy Spirit sets a magnificent precedent
for that spiritual new birth which the Bible calls spiritual regeneration. It is by the Word
of God and through the Holy Spirit.
The Word of God fulfilled in the power of God by the Spirit of God to clothe the life of
God with the Son of God. That was the birth of Jesus.
But was it enough that God said it and the Sprit did it? No, that in itself wasnt enough.
What Mary said, look at chapter one and verse 38.
Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word.27
I placed my humanity at your disposal, God. I dont see how this can happen. Your
Word has come to me clear and true, without ambiguity. You told me exactly what your
plan is. It is diametrically opposed to all physical laws, all natural precedent. But, God,
if you said it and if your Holy Spirit is here to do it, behold the handmaid of the Lord. I
place myself unreservedly at your disposal to this end.
That the Word of God might be implemented by the Spirit of God, it demanded of Mary
the obedience of faith. Her availability to the operation of the Holy Spirit would bring
into experience and make real all that God had said, for if you will remember from our
consideration of yesterday morning, it is faith that invokes the activity of [?].
Faith on the lips of this woman Mary said, I dont know how, but you say you will,
thank you. My faith invokes your activity. I ask no more questions. I place myself in
availability that you may come into business and accomplish in me that which is your
perfect will.
And the birth of the Lord Jesus was by the Word of God through the Holy Spirit upon the
obedience of faith on the part of one whose humanity was made available for God to
implement his own gracious and eternal purpose, Jesus becoming.
And on that first Christmas morning nearly 2000 years ago a little babe nursed within the
arms helplessly of this woman.
Of course, we take it for granted today that Mary should have placed herself thus at
Gods disposal that there might be implemented in terms of her humanity this miraculous
incarnation of the Lord Jesus. We take it for granted because her name has become
enshrouded with sentiment and glory.
But, of course, in making herself available to God in this unique and amazing way, she
died to all her own prospects.
However could she imagine that Joseph would understand? And he didnt.
However could she explain this to her own parents?
However could she expect the neighbors to neighbors to believe her story and none did?
We take it for granted that she should have placed herself in this way at Gods disposal.
Why should we take it for granted today that this woman should place herself at Gods
disposal that the Holy Spirit might implement the Word of God that Jesus might be
incarnate in terms of her humanity and be born that first Christmas day when you and I
still hesitate to place our humanity unreservedly at the disposal of the Holy Spirit that the
same Lord Jesus Christ might become incarnate in terms of our humanity?
Jesus becoming clothed with the body that the Father prepared for him that he might offer
this body back to the Father. For in becoming man Jesus, in equality with the tri-unity of
deity deliberately and through his own free volition made himself nothing.
What did he do with this body? He didnt let the Father present it to the Lord Jesus. He
did with this body that the Father presented to the Lord Jesus exactly what had been
agreed as between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit before ever the world was, before ever
the world was fashioned. He was the Lamb slain and agreed as between Father, Son and
Holy Spirit with this redemptive plan.
Father, give to me on earth a body utterly unsullied, unstained, uninhabited by sin and,
Father, I will offer this body back to you that you may be in me all that we as God
intended to be in man when we made him. I am going to offer, Father, this body back to
you that you present to me so that it may be wholly filled and flooded with God himself
so that the invisible tri-unity of deity may be given visible expression in terms of my
humanity. This, Father, is the plan and to this, Father, I fully agree.
Turn with me to the epistle to the Hebrews chapter 10. Hence, when Christ entered into
the world, verse five, he said, Sacrifices and offerings you have not desired, but instead
you have made ready a body for me to offer. In burnt offerings and sin offerings you have
taken no delight. Then I said, Lo, here I am, come to do your will, oh God, to fulfill what
is written of me in the body of the book. Lo, here I am, Father, here I am. Here is the
body that you have prepared for me that I may offer it to you that everything may be
accomplished in this body that has been written in the volume of the book.
And we have already seen in our earlier discussions that the volume of the book was, of
course, the Old Testament Scriptures that foreshadowed as the written word everything
that was to be accomplished gloriously in the person of the living Word.
Of you cannot detach the living Word form the written Word, nor can you detach the
written Word from the living Word. For the moment you detach the living Word, Jesus,
from the written Word, the Bible, the Bible as the written Word ceases to be redemptive
and it ceases to be regenerative because it does not have in Jesus its content.
If, on the other hand, you have a Jesus purely the figment of your imagination who does
not, as the living Word, comprehend and correspond to the revelation already given to us
in the written Word, you have a Jesus who is neither redemptive nor generative, for the
Bible without Jesus cannot save you, nor can Jesus without the Bible save you, because if
you have a Bible that does not have the Lord Jesus as its glorious consummation, you
have a Bible which is not Gods revelation of his redemptive or regenerative purpose. It
is a Bible that you are misinterpreting as the Jews themselves misinterpreted the Word of
God and when he came unto his own, his own received him not. They crucified him.
And if you have a Jesus who doesnt have the nails in his hands and his feet, if you have
a Jesus who did not set his face like a flint to the cross, if you have a Jesus who is simply
a sentimental idealism, simply an example set 1900 years ago, a beautiful man, a great
philosopher, a noble teacher, a prophet among many, if you have Jesus who is not the
incarnate Word who came to implement gloriously all that had been foreshadowed of him
in the written Word, then you have a Jesus who cannot redeem. You have a Jesus who
cannot regenerate you, because this Jesus you had is not the Jesus of the Bible.
But when you bring the Lord Jesus and the Bible together you have a regenerative Word
written and living. You have a redemptive Word written and living for Jesus is the
fulfillment of all that was written and foreshadowed in the volume of the book.
And he said, Father, to this end, the Holy Spirit came upon this woman Mary that I
might be clothed as the Son of God with this humanity that you have fashioned that the
very life of God might be incarnate in terms of my humanity that I on earth might be man
as we, Father, God and Holy Spirit created man to be.
How do we become Christians? What is it that really happens when a boy or a girl or a
man or a woman becomes a Christian?
Turn with me to the third chapter of Johns gospel chapter three.
There was a man of the Pharisees, named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews:
The same came to Jesus by night, and said unto him, Rabbi, we know that
thou art a teacher come from God: for no man can do these miracles that
thou doest, except God be with him.28
And expecting, master, to hear some divine truth from your lips, I believe that you are a
God sent teacher. What have you to teach me? What is Gods Word to me, my heart on
your lips?
Jesus answered and said unto him, This is the Word of God. Except a man be born
twice, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
Strange words to a mature adult, words that shocked his intelligence, words that did
violence to his credulity. And the natural reaction of this natural man to this unnatural
Word of the Lord Jesus was identical with the natural reaction of the natural heart of that
natural woman to the unnatural word of the angel Gabriel.
Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the
second time into his mothers womb, and be born?29
Master, he said, This is physically impossible. This violates every known physical
precedence. This is contrary to natural law. A man cannot be born twice.
And the Lord Jesus answered and said, You want to know how? I will tell you.
Nicodemus, that which is born of the flesh is flesh. The animal body that you at present
inhabit, Nicodemus, was born the animal way of your animal parents by animal means.
That which is born of the flesh is flesh. You are quite right, Nicodemus. You will never
been born again that way. You will never again enter into your mothers womb and be
born a second time. But, you see, Nicodemus, if the animal body that you possess at this
moment was born to you of animal birth, there is another kind of birth by virtue of which
you become possessed of another kind of life. It is called eternal life, Nicodemus. It is
the life of God himself. The God who inhabits eternity and who is prepared to inhabit
them that are of a humble spirit and a contrite heart. You see, Nicodemus, you were
created to be a phenomenon. You werent created by God just to be a higher form of
animal life. You were created, Nicodemus for this unique office, a man inhabited by God
himself and none other. But, you see, Nicodemus, when you were born into this world
you were born the natural way of a fallen, natural parent. And you have inherited the
spiritual bankruptcy of your fallen forbearer Adam. God created man to be inhabited by
himself and when God first made man, God indwelt him and God in the man was the
origin of his image and expressed his nature through the man. Well, I will tell you what
happened, Nicodemus. That man Adam repudiated the basic principle of his humanity.
He kicked over the traces and said, I can be a man without God. And he became an
animal, born the natural animal way. That which is born of the flesh is flesh. But not
only did that happen Nicodemus, but something infinitely worse happened. For his soul
that was to be directed by the indwelling Holy Spirit of the triune deity that through
mind, emotion and will, in the totality of his personality, the nature and character of God
should have been put on display, brought out into the open for everybody to see the truth
about God because he was the truth about man. That soul was invaded in its spiritual
distribution by an agency of Satanic origin that has abused, misused and prostituted
mans humanity every since the first Adam fell into his sin. And your mind, Nicodemus,
and your emotions, Nicodemus, and your will, Nicodemus, have been polluted and
corrupted and prostituted by Satan himself. And that is why Gods purpose for you,
Nicodemus, is that on Gods terms of reference your humanity might once more be
reinvaded by the God who made you that he might reoccupy and, once more, monopolize
your being and make you man again, Nicodemus, as God intended man to be. You must
be born from above. You must receive the quality of life that is vested in God himself,
eternal life. That, Nicodemus, which is born of God the Holy Spirit is Spirit. Marvel that.
And I say unto you, third richest man in Jerusalem, cultured, influential and not insincere,
religious, you have got to be born twice by the Holy Spirit.
For, The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the sound thereof, but canst not
tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth: so [Nicodemus] is every one that is born of
the Spirit.
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