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Text Sermons : Andrew Murray : The Glory Of God

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"Unto him be glory...throughout all ages... Amen." - Ephesians 3:21.

God Himself must reveal His glory to us. Then alone are we able to know and glorify Him.

There is no more wonderful image in nature of the glory of God than we find in the starry heavens. The telescopes, which are continually made more powerful, have long proclaimed the wonders of God's universe. And by means of computer imaging, new wonders of that glory have been revealed. A computer imaging sensor attached to the telescope will reveal millions of stars, which could never have been seen by the naked eye through the best telescope. Man must step aside and allow the glory of the heavens to reveal itself. The stars, at first wholly invisible, and at immense distances, will leave their image upon the sensor.

What a lesson for the soul that longs to see the glory of God in His Word. Put aside your own efforts and thoughts. Let your heart be as an imaging sensor that waits for God's glory to be revealed. The sensor must be rightly prepared and clean. Let your heart be prepared and purified by God's Spirit. "Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God." Matthew 5:8. The sensor must be immovable--let your heart be still before God. The telescope and its digital sensor must properly focus on, and receive the complete impression of, the farthest stars. Let your heart take time in silent waiting upon God, and He will reveal His glory.

If you keep silence before God and give Him time, He will put thoughts into your heart that may be of unspeakable blessing to yourself and others. He will create within you desires and inclinations that will indeed be as the rays of His glory shining in you.

Put this to the test this morning. Offer your spirit to Him in deep humility, and have faith that God will reveal Himself in His holy love. His glory will descend upon you. You will feel the need to give Him the full time to do His blessed work.

"But the LORD is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before him." Habakkuk 2:20.

"My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him." Psalm 62:5.

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