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In the life of faith there is no lesson more needful and indispensable, and yet, owing to our self-confidence, none more difficult, than that of the utter weakness and helplessness of the regenerate man to live the spiritual and truly Christlike life without the unceasing, every moment working of Gods power in us through the Holy Spirit.
The terrible deceit of the serpent in Paradise still lingers with us, and instead of counting the most absolute dependence on God our highest blessedness, as securing his doing all in us, we are unwilling to cease from our strength and let him work all. We either do not care, or find it hard to say, I will glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. It is because the Holy Spirit has never given us the full vision of the full life. Of God, and through God all things.
(Excerpted from The Coming Revival, by Andrew Murray , pg. 69)
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