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Shall we not pray as never before for a revival in the life of GodÂ’s people that shall fit them to fulfill their duty to God and the world, that shall make missionary effort in every deed the supreme end, the chief glory of the church? If there is anything more needed to urge us to such prayer, let it be this. The proverb says: As the mother, so the daughter.
The complaint in missionary churches of the weakness of many of our converts is most natural when we look at the general tone of our Christians at home. The influence of the revival of believers in the older churches on missionaries and converts abroad will be certain and most blessed. The power of the Spirit of God in the mother churches wakening to a higher devotion will infallibly affect all their branches in heathen lands. We cannot impart to them more than we have. Shall we not beseech God that what we give them shall indeed be streams of living water in all their divine purity and abundance and quickening power as they flow from under the throne of God and the Lamb?
(Excerpted from The Coming Revival, by Andrew Murray , pg. 55)
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