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If God’s church is to be roused, if believers are to be led to a life of greater devotion to Jesus and his service; if streams of living water are to flow out of them; if the interests of Christ’s kingdom and the salvation of souls are to become their first object in life and their enthusiasm, as God wants them to be, the work must begin in them allowing God to deal with the sin of the personal life. It is in his sanctuary, his holy place alone that God can be known in his holiness. It is in his temple in our body, in his home in our heart, that his power must be personally known to deliver from sin, if we are in true faith and devotion to live for others. Begin at my sanctuary. Let the temple that has been defiled be cleansed. Let the heart sins be dealt with by God. And the word shall be fulfilled: ‘Then will I magnify myself and sanctify myself and I will be known in the eyes of many nations; and they shall know that I am the Lord.’
(Excerpted from The Coming Revival, by Andrew Murray , pg. 48)
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