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Text Sermons : Andrew Murray : Is there sin in our own heart that we know little of?

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There may be sin in God’s sanctuary that men think or know little of. The prophet was shown by God what the men did ‘in the dark, every man in the chambers of his imagining.’ (Ezek 8:12) They still clung to God’s house, they called it the temple of Jehovah; they were ready to die for it as the centre and the symbol of their national religion, and yet they defiled it with their abominations. And they never dreamt how near and how terrible God’s judgment on them would be.

May it not be thus with the church of our day? May it not be that the formality, and the lukewarmness and worldliness, the self-seeking and pleasure-seeking, which marks the great majority of our professing Christians, are being looked upon by God as ‘wicked abominations’ in his house, while we have very little conception of their evil?

God led Ezekiel from the outer to the inner court. May it not be that the sins that are found in the hearts and lives of the more earnest and inner circle among Christians, the lack of humility and love, the trust in human wisdom and human support, the neglect of the continual leading of the Spirit and the full imitation of ChristÂ… may it not be that these things are displeasing and grieving God to an extent that we have no conception of?

Let us ask carefully whether there be not in the church, or in our own heart, much that makes it most needful that judgment begin at the house of God.

(Excerpted from The Coming Revival, by Andrew Murray , pg. 43)

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