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If the church is to be an habitation of God in the Spirit, if God is really to dwell among his people, sin must be judged and cast out. Judgment must begin at the sanctuary. In the whole universe of things, sin is the only thing that can hide God or hinder his being to his people what he is in his nature, a very fountain of love, goodness and happiness. The whole history of Israel proves to us that God delights in and blesses obedience and that he turns away from sin.
It is just as true in the experience of the saints today. Any deeper experience of Gods presence to save from sin and to reveal his nearness is usually preceded by a new discovery of sin and a more complete deliverance from it. The failure of so much earnest sighing and struggling to attain a deeper and more settled peace and victory is almost always due to not allowing God himself to deal with the sin that is overcoming us. Any revival of holiness and devotion to Christs service will be but partial and passing until believers are brought to see that the ordinary sins of daily life are no longer tolerated and the power of Christ to cast them out is known and claimed.
(Excerpted from The Coming Revival, by Andrew Murray , pg. 46)
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