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Text Sermons : Andrew Murray : Divine wisdom as absolute as divine righteousness

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The gospel was a revelation of the righteousness of God, and revealed the way in which he himself was righteous, and could righteously accept the ungodly as righteous too. The Corinthians were a people with whom wisdom was everything. In the epistle to them Paul shows that just as absolute as was the need and provision of divine righteousness was the need of divine wisdom. As no man knoweth the things of God save the Spirit of God, so we receive the Spirit of God so that we may know the things that are freely given of God.

The preaching of the utter insufficiency of man’s righteousness has not been accompanied, as it should have been, by the preaching of the utter insufficiency of his wisdom. The consequences have been most disastrous. And nothing has suffered more from it than just the doctrine of the divine righteousness.

Too often preached not in the power of the Holy Spirit but of human wisdom, it has not been the power of God unto salvation, or had not led the believer into the close and full fellowship with God it was meant to.

The restoration of the truth of the teaching of the Holy Spirit being as indispensable as the forgiveness through Christ’s blood would indeed bring us a Second Reformation, a New Pentecost.

(Excerpted from The Coming Revival, by Andrew Murray , pg. 35).

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