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Self-pleasing, whether in its more obvious or more refined forms, whether in its more obvious or more refined forms, whether in those who are wholly given to it or only give it a partial submission, leads inevitably to that, often unconscious, pride of life, which makes the love of God with all the heart impracticable. If any man love the world the love of the Father is not in him.
Our Lord Jesus was not of the world. He knew it and acted under the consciousness of it. He spoke about it to the disciples and the Jews; if they were to know him aright they must know this as one of the secrets of his inner life. He said to the disciples that they were as little of the world as he was. He wanted them to know it: without this knowledge their life could not possibly what he meant it to be. Without their readiness they could not be prepared for the great revival that came with Pentecost.
(Excerpted from The Coming Revival, by Andrew Murray , pg. 30).
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