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SermonIndex - Promoting Revival to this Generation

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Text Sermons : Andrew Murray : it is the spirit of the world in the church that hinders the SpiritÂ…

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I have spoken to believers. The most advanced believer will be the first to admit how subtle, how deep, the spirit of the world is, and how utterly beyond our own powers of watchfulness or victory. It is only a heart fully possessed by the Spirit of God that can know its subtlety or escape its power.
If it be true that it is difficult to bring home this conviction to individual believers, how much more so is it when we speak about the church as a whole.

And yet, I am very deeply persuaded that as it is the spirit of the world in the church that alone hinders the Spirit of God, and makes a revival so absolutely necessary, and so wholly impossible too until the worldly spirit be cast out, so it will alone be by a deep work of the Spirit, convicting the world in the church, that a true revival can come and the church be fitted for doing GodÂ’s work in and for the world.

(Excerpted from The Coming Revival, by Andrew Murray , pg. 28)

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