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Text Sermons : Andrew Murray : Â‘And to be desired to make one wise.Â’

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‘And to be desired to make one wise.’ Man has a spirit capable of knowing and enjoying God. That spiritual nature was turned to the world to seek in it and its wisdom the knowledge of good and evil. And so the wisdom of this world, with its boasted reasoning about God and good, has become the great enemy of the love of God, and the chief source of that pride of life in which men content themselves without God.

In our LordÂ’s temptations we have exactly the same three tendencies illustrated. First came the satisfying of the bodily hunger by his own power without waiting for GodÂ’s will.

Then there was the lust-of-the eyes temptation in the kingdoms of the world shown to him.

And then the appeal to the pride of life in the call to prove himself the son of God.

(Excerpted from The Coming Revival, by Andrew Murray , pg. 29).

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