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Text Sermons : Andrew Murray : I speak about that subjection to the spirit of the worldÂ…

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And how is it now that these three great manifestations of the spirit of the world are in the church? I do not even speak of the power of the flesh as seen in the terrible reign of drink and lust in the midst of our modern Christian civilization. But I do speak of the selfish desire for rich and abundant living, for comfort and luxury, that marks our Christian society as a whole, and the great majority of our professing Christians. How it keeps from all true self-denial and spirituality. How it hinders everything like true self-sacrifice for our fellow creatures around us, or GodÂ’s kingdom in the world.

I do not speak of the lust of the eyes, as it is seen in the greed for money that treads down the poor, or in the materialism that measures happiness by riches, or progress only by that which is seen or temporal.

But I speak about that subjection to the spirit of the world around them which makes Christians just as keen in the pursuit of the possessions and enjoyment of this world as others are, and makes a life of self-renunciation or heavenly-mindedness to be regarded as equally impossible and unnecessary.

(Excerpted from The Coming Revival, by Andrew Murray , pg. 29).

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