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If we study GodÂ’s word carefully we shall be surprised to find how many things there are which it contrasts with knowing, and what danger there is in knowing without its leading to that which it was meant to produce.
Scripture contrasts knowing and believing. The mind can form a conception of the most spiritual truths, the love of God, the atonement of Christ, the power of the Spirit, can be fully convinced of their truth and value, and so give them a perfect intellectual assent, while the heart does not believe them, does not open to yield itself to their all-controlling influence.
Scripture contrasts knowing and doing. In the Sermon on the Mount our Lord warns against the danger of knowing and not doing. To his disciples he said: ‘If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.” James says: “Be ye doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deluding your own selves… But a doer that worth, this man shall be blessed in his deed.”
Knowing is contrasted with hearing. Just as there is a great pleasure in a beautiful picture of some interesting object, so the mind may delight in the contemplation of the divine realities of which the Bible tells, of the love God, of the beauty of true humility or great devotion to God or man, while the heavenly grace itself is not possessed, and the possession is hardly desired.
Knowing is contrasted with being. As the science of education is advancing, the teacher is ever more being reminded that his work is infinitely nobler than imparting a certain amount of knowledge, or even than developing the pupil’s power of thought, so that we may be able to acquire knowledge for himself. The true teacher tries to instill into a pupil that character is everything — it is not what a man knows, but what he is, that is the real standard. This is infinitely more true in God’s school in which God’s children are being trained. What we actually are, as humble, holy, believing, devoted children of God, is the only proof that God’s word has in truth entered into us and done its work.
And knowing is contrasted with living. In each child of God, there is working the power of an endless life. GodÂ’s own life is secretly striving within him. As the great work of education is to waken a child to the consciousness of its power as a living being, all this success of the Christian life depends upon the clear and abiding consciousness of a life from God growing within us as surely as the lily is clothed with its beauty by a power from him.
The knowledge that occupies and pleases and at length satisfies the mind without day by day leading to the faith, and the actions, and the character, and the true inner life for which God meant it, is the most dangerous of all enemies.
(Excerpted from The Coming Revival, by Andrew Murray , pg. 20)
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