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Text Sermons : Andrew Murray : Jesus, the Model of Perfection

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“Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” Matt. 5:48

It might be said that our circumstances and powers are so different from those of God that it is impossible to apply the standard of his infinite perfection in our little world. But here comes the Son, in the likeness of sinful humanity, tempted in every way as we are, offering himself as our Master and Leader. He lives with us so that we may live with him; he lives in us so that we may live like him…

One aspect of the disciple’s resemblance to his Master is outward humiliation: like the Master, he will be despised and persecuted (Matt.1:24-25; John 15:20). Another aspect is inward humility, a willingness to be a servant (Luke 22:27; John 13:16). The perfected disciple knows of nothing higher than being like his Master both in his outward behaviour and his inner attitude.

(Excerpted from Consecrated to God, pg. 51, 52)

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