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When our blessed Lord took our human nature with all its burden of sin and curse, he submitted to all the conditions of our human feebleness, and gave himself to be and to do all that a true man needed to be and do as GodÂ’s creature, and how a creature should act; that he might make it possible for us to live as a creature should; he humbled himself to live the life of a creature. He not only grew and became strong; he not only advanced in stature but in wisdom too, and in favour with God and man. Through his whole life there was a true human development. In the gradual opening up to him of the will of God; in his learning obedience, and being made perfect through suffering; in his life of temptation and suffering; in his preparation for his final sacrifice; in all things he became like us. And so the cross was to him, as man and Mediator, the only path by which, in our nature, he could come to God.
(Excerpted from The Cross of Christ, pg. 67)
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