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Text Sermons : Andrew Murray : Prayer in Harmony with the Person of God

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In the New Testament we find a distinction made between faith and knowledge: ‘‘For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the same Spirit’’ (1 Corinthians 12:8–9 NKJV). In a child or a childlike Christian there may be faith but little knowledge. Childlike simplicity accepts the truth without difficulty and rarely cares to give itself or others any reason for its faith except that God said it. But God would have us love and serve Him not only with all our heart but also with all our mind; that we might grow up into the divine wisdom and beauty of all His ways and words and works.

This truth has its full application in our prayer life. While prayer and faith are so simple that a newborn convert can pray with power, the doctrine of prayer often presents problems. Is the power of prayer a reality? How can God grant to prayer such power? How can the action of prayer be harmonized with the will of God? How can God’s sovereignty and our will, God’s liberty and ours, be reconciled? These and other similar questions are valid subjects for Christian meditation and inquiry. The more earnestly and reverently we approach such mysteries, the more we will fall down in adoring awe to praise Him who has in prayer given such power to men and women.

(Excerpted from The Andrew Murray Daily Reader in Today’s Language, Pg. 249)

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