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It is not enough that a child be born into the world in the possession of all the wonderful faculties with which God has endowed man. In addition to this, he needs an education, an outside help, to draw out and guide and develop the faculties he possesses. Even the believer, sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, to know that he is Gods child, needs for his education and growth to know his dependence upon divine enlightening of the heart, to enable him to know God and his Word, Christ and his grace aright.
The increasing dependence upon a divine teaching from heaven, as alone sufficient to reveal heavenly things and to make heavenly-minded Christians, has not the place in the teaching of the church that it has in that of the Epistle (Ephesians). The very first thing Paul does, after speaking about them having believed and received the Holy Spirit, and before entering, in chapter 2, on the exposition of the new life they had received, is in his wonderful prayer, Eph. 1:15-23, to tell the wonderful things which without the divine Spirit of enlightenment they could not possibly know or possess.
(Excepted from The Coming Revival, by Andrew Murray, pg. 115)
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