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I have spoken on the two levels of Christian walk, and the necessity of our living on the higher, which is simply the true Christian life, if we are to get victory over our failures, and enter upon the path we can become faithful and strong in prayer. The difference is simply that which we see around us between a healthy and sickly man. Both are living men, with all the attributes that go to make up a man, and to do so joyfully and successfully. To the other the performance of duty is a burden, if not an impossibility, because he is out of health and lacks the needful strength. So when scripture divides Christians into carnal and spiritual, those who remain babies when they ought to be men, and those who have gone on unto perfection or maturity, into those who walk after the flesh and those who walk after the Spirit, it points out the two possible states of a believer living either a feeble sickly life, or a life of health and vigor. Every warning about yielding to self and the flesh, becomes a call to us to decide which of the two styles of living shall be ours.
(Excerpted from The Coming Revival, by Andrew Murray, pg. 89-90)
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