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Sometimes we hear Christians talking about God hiding his face. God can indeed do this, but there are only two things which can ever cause him to do it—sin and unbelief. It is the very nature of the sun to shine; it can’t help shining on and on. God is love, and (I say with all reverence) he can’t help loving. He shows goodness to the ungodly and compassion towards the erring, and manifests true fatherly love towards all his children. He says, “Thou art ever with me”. … My message is that the Lord your God wants to have you living continually in the light of his countenance. You complain that your work, your temper, and your circumstances hamper your fellowship with God. But are these things stronger than God? If you come and ask him to shine in and upon you, you will discover that he can indeed do it, and that as a believer you can live every day and every hour in the light of his love. To live like that is to know full salvation.
(Excerpted from Christ Is All by Andrew Murray, pg. 54-55)
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