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Text Sermons : Andrew Murray : The Two Baptisms

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Let all who are in the personal search of the fullness of GodÂ’s blessing note this well. Would you in your own experience understand the connection between the two stages in your spiritual life, the one of failure in which you live and the better one of power of which God speaks to you, hold fast the thought: the desire of the heart, that with all its strengths turns itself from all that it has to receive all God has for it cannot be disappointed. There are some who have a desire for the fullness of the Spirit, but not as the only one thing they seek: it is only one desire among others. They have not turned away from everything of self, and the world, and the church. Â… Let us yield ourselves to the teaching and action of the preparatory work of GodÂ’s Spirit in conviction, and waiting: the desire wholly set, in despair of self and trust in God, on the fullness of the Spirit, must be fulfilled.

(Excerpted from The Cross of Christ, by Andrew Murray, pg. 152-153)

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