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Text Sermons : Classic Christian Writings : The Effectiveness Of Personal Evangelism By Joel Darby in The Messenger

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Our Savior’s last great command to His followers was to go into all nations and take the Gospel to every creature (Mk. 16:15). We have woefully failed. Considering the worldwide population explosion, we have been failing at a tragic rate to do His will. There are many souls born to die without Christ for every one that is won for Him. Why is that? Did Jesus give us an impossible task? No, He always is willing to give us power to do anything which He commands (Phil. 4:13).

No, it is not impossible for us to do what Jesus told us to do. Sadly, cults are peddling false gospels door-to-door, and they are growing at an incredible rate, while born-again Christians (with a few notable exceptions) are doing only a fractional job of evangelism.

Personal calling is an effective and low-cost method for evangelizing a people! Results are greatly multiplied by leaving every prospect with the printed message so that the Holy Spirit can go on working and Satan cannot as easily snatch away the planted seed.

Christian friends, it is time for each of us to take inventory. How much are we willing to sacrifice for the One who suffered an agonizing death on the cross for us? Are you, am I willing to go into the highways and byways and bear the reproach of Christ, and be misunderstood and sometimes maligned, in order to satisfy the heart longing of Him who saved us from an awful, eternal hell? He longs to save people all around who are hungry and yearning for someone to call and show a personal interest in their souls. But He needs you and me to care enough to go without some of our accustomed comforts, to be willing to suffer the reproach of men if need be, along with Him, in order to get the job done.

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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