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Text Sermons : ~Other Speakers S-Z : Brent Yim : Psalm 119:15

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“I will meditate on Your precepts, and contemplate your ways.” – Psalm 119:15

The human mind is comparable to a bottomless pit that generates a diversity of thoughts and concerns that forcefully subdue its attention. Though meditation and contemplation are a common practice, the object of our concentration varies and is continually shifting like the ocean’s tide. Our emotions, irregular circumstances, and personal preferences are all variables that contribute to that which captivates of our thoughts; which in return determines how we view and respond to life.

However, the psalmist discovered that stability of mind was not found in the variables of everyday life; rather it was found in the unchanging absolutes of the inspired Word of God. Therefore, through this divine revelation, he willfully determined to fix his attention upon the unvarying words and works of God. He prudently understood that it was through his meditation upon that which is constant and his contemplation of that which is sure, that he was able to view and respond to life with the matchless wisdom God.

How valuable this perspective is to those who have heeded the motivating testimony of this man of God. Peace, joy, surety, and comfort are the promised treasures granted to individuals who have wisely chosen to live according to this Biblical principle. Those who through personal experience can confidently proclaim with the psalmist, “I will meditate on your precepts, and contemplate your ways!”

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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