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Text Sermons : ~Other Speakers S-Z : Brent Yim : Psalm 119:8

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“I will keep Your statutes; Oh, do not forsake me utterly!”

In this brief statement the reader is given an intimate glimpse into the deepest recesses of a heart that had been conquered by and was now subservient to the kingdom of heaven. The psalmist, having tasted and seen that the Lord was good, begins his thought by confidently asserting his undivided loyalty to the righteous standard of God.

Yet in the same breath we find the confidence of the first proclamation suddenly ruptured as the psalmist quickly acknowledges his personal inability to perform this lofty vow apart from divine assistance. This man of God understood that his most resilient efforts to obey God’s statutes would undoubtedly end in failure if it weren’t for the enabling grace of his heavenly King.

It is this inspired fact that reminds the children of God that without the aid of sovereign grace, their soul stirring ambitions will never become an observable reality. A true manifestation of obedience will only flow from a life that has learned to solely rely upon the strengthening power of divine providence.

Oh, that our heart cry would echo the plea of the psalmist as our vow of loyalty to God would be tempered by the realization that apart from the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ we can do nothing.

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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