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Text Sermons : D.L. Moody : Proverbs comments

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"My son, hear the instruction of Thy Father" 1:8
"My son, don't be enticed by sinners" 1:10
"My son, walk not in the way of sinners" 1:15
"My son, receive My Words" 2:1
"My son, forget not my law" 3:1
"My son, despise not the chastening of the Lord" 3:11

See also 3:21, 4:10, 4:20, 5:1, 5:20, 6:1, 6:3, 6:20, 7:1, 19:27, 23:15, 23:19, 23:26, 24:13, 24:21, 27:11.

"Remember" said a gentleman to his son as he was sending him to school, "that you are the son of a gentleman, and do not disgrace your father." Remember, Christian, that you are the child of the living God, and do not disgrace your heavenly Father. — F. E. Marsh

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