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Text Sermons : D.L. Moody : Contrast between Genesis and Revelation

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Contrast between Genesis and Revelation:
Gen. 1:1 Earth created New heavens & new earth
Rev. 21:1,2
Gen. 1:5 Night created No night Rev. 22:5
Gen. 1:10 Seas created No more sea Rev. 21:1
Gen. 1:16-17 Sun & Moon created No need of the sun Rev. 20:3
Gen. 2:5-23 Garden home for man City home for nations Rev. 21:10
Gen. 2:18 Bride of 1st Adam Bride of 2nd Adam Rev. 19:9
Gen. 3:1 The appearance of Satan His final doom Rev. 20:10
Gen. 3:16-17 Sorrow No more sorrow Rev. 21:4
Gen. 3:17 curse No more curse Rev. 22:3
Gen. 3:21+ Driven from tree of life Welcomed back Rev. 22:2

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