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Text Sermons : F.B. Meyer : Then the house was filled with a Cloud.

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Then the house was filled with a Cloud. 2 Chron. v. 13.

THIS was the bright Shekinah cloud, the symbol of the Divine Presence, which had shone for Moses in the bush, and led the march through the desert. It was as though God had found a rest. And as it settled upon the Most Holy Place, it was as though God said, This is my rest for ever; here will I dwell, for I have desired it.

The Most Holy Place is the symbol of our spirit, meant to be the abiding‑place and home of God; and shall we not invite the blessed Shekinah cloud to enter thither, addressing it in the words of the Psalm, "Arise, 0 Lord, into thy resting‑place, Thou and the ark of thy strength." Because where He comes to abide He abundantly blesses the provision, and satisfies the poor with bread; He clothes his priests with salvation, and makes his saints shout aloud for joy; He erects the horn of strength and prepares the lamp of light. What were the conditions of this incoming? ‑‑

First, UNITY.‑ "The trumpeters and singers were as one." We must put away strife, divisions, variance, and evil‑speaking. Our heart and life must be full of love. When the disciples were with one accord,. in one place, the Spirit descended.

Second, HEARTINESS. ‑‑ "They lifted up their voice." There was every symptom of sincerity and fervour.

Third, THANKSGIVING AND PRAISE. ‑‑ "They praised the Lord, saying, He is good, for his mercy endureth for ever." No refrain occurs oftener in the Bible than this. It is an exquisite expression of the heart's joy and rest in God. Let us sing it in our darkest, as well as gladdest hours, full of trust, thanksgiving, and praise.

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