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All these were the rulers of the substance which
was King David's. Chron, xxvii. 31.
THERE was great variety in office and gift. He who cared for the work of the field could not have known how to care for the flocks. The overseer of olive‑yard and vineyard would have been a poor hand with the camels and asses. One sort of talent was needed for the herds, and another for the wine cellars; and yet there was unity in the common service of the king. We are reminded of the words of the Apostle, describing the variety in unity which must obtain in every healthy church: "There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit; diversities of ministrations, and the same Lord; diversities of operations, but the same God."
Each of these different men had his distinct sphere for which he was doubtless specially qualified; and it was his duty ‑‑ not to be jealous of others, nor eager to imitate them, but ‑‑ to be faithful in his own province. How much happier we should all be if we recognised our specific work in God's house, and kept to it, being content to serve the King as He has seen fit to determine, rendering Him the produce in due season.
How great an error it would have been had any of these begun to account the produce of cattle or ground as his own! He had nothing that he had not received, and whatever he controlled had been entrusted to his care for the emolument and of his sovereign. Yet, how few of us that we are put in business with God's capital, for God's use. We take all and give Him a percentage, instead of using all for Him and keeping a percentage for ourselves. In this we rob God, and greatly err. We must acknowledge that both we and all we possess belong to Him.
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