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There was no doubt in our hearts and minds - this was more than a "good" idea, it was a "God idea" that required our absolute obedience and commitment. BULLDOG, FAITH moves ORDINARY PRAYER into the realm of INTENSIVE CARE! It is fervent and ferocious against every work of the enemy!
Our BULLDOG Prayer team was first assembled many years ago when one of our faithful, long-time secretaries contracted breast cancer. The doctors removed the growth, but three years later it came back into her entire body with a vengeance.
"One of our faithful long-time secretaries" - Really? What is her name? How long has she worked for MHM? How is it a "faithful" staff person even got stricken with cancer in the first place? When was this cancer discovered? What year? Why didn't she get healed the first time? What was her doctor's name? Can he verify she had breast cancer? What hospital did she receive her operation in?
This time the doctors told her (up front) that she would most likely NOT survive this attack and would soon die. Naturally, the news was devastating to this dear lady ... her husband ... and all of us in the ministry. She became so depressed and discouraged, she couldn't even come to work.
Did she receive disability pay? Was she fired? What type of medical insurance do you offer your workers? Why do you even have medical insurance, if any?
BUT THEN - SOMETHING HAPPENED. A small group on our staff decided that she was going to LIVE AND NOT DIE! Their faith was contagious as they began to speak the Word and pray fervently day and night together.
You mean to tell us (the 10,000's who go this letter) that it is up to individuals to decide whether another person is going to live or die? Why didn't someone decide Buddy Harrison was not going to die (for him) or Pastor John Osteen? This is totally unbiblical! People do not have that type of authority, never did.
They would go to her and say, "You're going to LIVE!" "You're NOT going to die!" "You're going to LIVE!" "You're NOT going to die!" and they sunk the teeth of God's Word into that situation and HELD ON WITH A FAITH that we called "BULLDOG FAITH ' " They became known as our "BULLDOG" Prayer Team ... and we began to conduct special BULLDOG PRAYER MEETINGS for her.
There is no mention of the cancer victim's faith, the letter implies that it was the work of these bulldog prayer team that had all the faith needed for the miracle. Which means if the reader will become a part of MHM (aka send money) and send in their bulldog prayer request form, they too can expect the same results as this unnamed miracle recipient!
OH YES ... SHE LIVED! (This was 4 years ago.) And she's still very much alive. She's a living miracle! She's a walking, talking miracle because of a determined faith in God's Word that made us HOLD ON ... and NOT GIVE UP; NOT GIVE UP; NOT GIVE UP!
Is she back at work again? Why don't you place her testimony in your monthly magazine? Why hasn't she shared this miracle on any of the various Christian television venues, which MHM is connected with? Why haven't you brought her on your television show with the BEFORE and AFTER medical records (which have to exist)?
Since that time, our BULLDOG PRAYER TEAM never really stopped. Whenever we've been hit with an emergency ministry need or crisis situation, the BULLDOG PRAYER TEAM with THEIR BULLDOG FAITH would get into action. AND WE'VE SEEN MIRACLE AFTER MIRACLE ... TIME AFTER TIME!
* NOW - our BULLDOG PRAYER TEAM has made a solemn "BULLDOG commitment" to HOLD ON FOR YOU and WITH YOU for your toughest requests with the very same BULLDOG FAITH! This is YOUR "BULLDOG" Prayer Campaign:
If you have a special miracle need or situation that requires nothing less than INTENSIVE SPIRITUAL CARE ... we want YOUR request sheet THERE.
Every person on our BULLDOG PRAYER TEAM as well as any member of our ministry staff will have complete, DAILY access to YOUR REQUESTS
We will be designating a BULLDOG PRAYER DAY every month. We will be conducting additional BULLDOG PRAYER VIGILS all year. It doesn't matter what your need or crisis is. From money problems to marriage challenges ... from business dilemmas to physical attacks from the devil ... we're going to sink our spiritual teeth into the Word of God and clamp down on it with everything we have ... for your needs. We want to HOLD ON to God's Word (for you in this special way) until your enemy is defeated and your circumstances are permanently conquered. WOULD YOU LIKE THAT?
The next to last sentence sounds like a promise to me. Mum's bulldogs will pray UNTIL YOUR ENEMY IS DEFEATED. Can I take MHM to court if my "enemy" is not defeated (or my survivors)?
This is simply another one of Mrs. Hickey's MANY campaigns to raise money under the aegis of praying for people's needs. Is this attempt any more "Spirit-led" than the "miracle need carrot seeds," or the "anointed cornmeal," of the break the devil's back " campaigns to raise money under the aegis of praying for people's needs. Is this attempt any more "Spirit-led" than the "miracle need carrot seeds," or the "anointed cornmeal," of the break the devil's back "pop sickle sticks," or the "blessed" widows mite she has sent us in the past? I think not. This is simply another one of Mrs. Hickey's MANY campaigns to raise money under the aegis of praying for people's needs. Is this attempt any more "Spirit-led" than the "miracle need carrot seeds," or the "anointed cornmeal," of the break the devil's back " campaigns to raise money under the aegis of praying for people's needs. Is this attempt any more "Spirit-led" than the "miracle need carrot seeds," or the "anointed cornmeal," of the break the devil's back "pop sickle sticks," or the "blessed" widows mite she has sent us in the past? I think not. Remember Marilyn in your prayers, she needs them very desperately.
ICCDM believes that our Lord Jesus Christ heals today. We believe He does so according to His sovereign wisdom and through His Church.
We do not believe there is such a ministry as a "healing evangelist," the Bible never speaks of such a ministry. Nor do we believe God has especially empowered any individual with the "gift(s) of healing."
All sermons are offered freely and all contents of the site
where applicable is committed to the public domain for the
free spread of the gospel.