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Text Sermons : ~Other Speakers A-F : Discernment Reasearch Articles : How Could Buddy Harrison Die of Cancer?

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How is it possible that the son-in-law of Kenneth E. Hagin, founder of Harrison House Publishers, and Head of the Faith Christian Fellowship (FCF) Word of Faith denomination could have succumbed to cancer and die the last Saturday of November, 1998?
If anyone knew the WOF teachings on divine healing, the authority of the believer, the power of the name of Jesus it was Buddy Harrison! After all, he worked with his father-in-law long before Kenneth Copeland had ever heard of the "faith" message. Buddy’s company was responsible for publishing all of the WOF teachers books! Buddy himself had ordained 100’s, maybe 1,000’s of people into the WOF ministry . . .yet he has died.
How could Buddy die when his father-in-law alleges to have received a special healing anointing personally from the risen Christ (read I Believe In Visions)? Why couldn’t this special anointing of "Dad" Hagin heal Buddy (or heal Hagin’s wife or his sister who also died of cancer many years back)? I am sure that Buddy, his family, his church, and all who knew of his condition were making positive confessions. I know they were binding Satan and demons and loosing healing. I would not doubt that at some point Oral Roberts probably laid his "anointed" hands on Buddy. All to no avail, he still passed away.
What does this mean? To me this simply proves that the WOF doctrine regarding healing, confession, the believers authority, and a host of other teachings are built on sand and not the Word of God. They are unable to produce the desired and promised results when the rubber meets the road. None of the following people "got the victory" via their WOF doctrines - Ken Hagin’s sister died of cancer. Mack Timberlake is fighting cancer now (through medical science). Dodie Osteen had cancer, she too sought medical attention. Betty Price (Fred Price’s wife) had cancer and got medical treatment. Peggy Capps (Charles Capp’s wife) had cancer, received medical treatment. Joyce Meyer had breast cancer, and was medically treated. These people did not confess their diseases away. They did not receive a miracle from the hands of Benny Hinn. Nor did they bother to tell many people about their own battles with illness (unless it was unavoidable).

(The following was obtained from the Harrison House Web Page on 12-4-98 - bold type, underlining added by ICCDM)

"If he never preached another word, he knows he would still affect the world through prayer and the printed page. Because Buddy Harrison knows who he is in Christ and God’s purpose for his life, he walks with assurance, ministers with confidence and preaches with boldness and apostolic authority. Numerous times in his life, Buddy has witnessed the miraculous, supernatural power of God. (As a small boy, he was healed of polio.) He has watched God heal, restore and deliver in his life and in the lives of those he has ministered to."

Here are some of the books Buddy had written

Petitioning God For The Impossible Petitioning God For The Impossible -
* How to write your own petition to God
* How to make certain that you petition is in line with God's will
* How important the different forms of prayer are and how to use them
* How and why you should pray for those in authority
* How to avoid writing a petition that won't be answered Write a petition to God today, and get the answer!
Four Keys To Power! Fulfilling God's Vision and Plan For Your Life!
Did you know that because you are a believer, you now have dynamic power inside of you? God lives on the inside of you. He has invested in you. He has given you power to overcome every situation, every circumstance, every trial and every test. You were made to be an overcomer! You can unlock in your life the power God has given you as one of His children to fulfill all he has called you to do.
Getting In Position To Receive


Considering the fact that Mr. Harrison just passed away due to cancer what does that mean in regards to what he has written? Either he did not practice what he preached (which I doubt), or, what he taught simply was not true to begin with. I placed in bold type the phrases which are a stark contrast to the reality he faced.

Frankly, Mr. Harrison has a great deal to explain before our Lord. His "Harrison House" Publishing company is responsible for almost single-handedly popularizing the errors and heresies of the Word of Faith Movement on a global scale. As a minister he ordained many men and women into full-time WOF churches (I served under two couples who were both ordained personally by Buddy), thus expanding the impact of this perversion of the Gospel.

It is our sincere prayer that his death will make people ask themselves the hard questions about the teachings they have bought into. When the doctrines do not work for those who teach them, what chance does the lay person with a much lesser "anointing" have of achieving victory? NONE!

Many others have died needlessly because they tried to confess healing and bind Satan past the point of medical treatment. They died trying to activate spiritual laws and principles which they were told always produce when implemented. Parents have allowed their children to die while "calling those things which be not as though they were."

I do not rejoice over the death of any man. I am sure his family needs our prayer support and comfort. However, I cannot excuse what this man, and others like him, have done to the spiritual lives of multitudes. Countless numbers of people are on the spiritual "junk-heap" due to sincerely following what Buddy, Hagin, Copeland, and others have taught them. These people have given millions to enable Hagin, Copeland, Savelle, Dollar, and others to own private jet planes and live in mansions, while they struggled economically.

It is partly because of these casualties of the WOF movement that our ministry exists, and ICCDM counsels hurting people almost daily in one form or another. Mr. Harrison did not bless the Church, unfortunately he has left behind a legacy of deception (no matter how well intentioned), and broken lives. May our Lord have mercy upon him.

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