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SermonIndex - Promoting Revival to this Generation

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Text Sermons : R.A. Torrey : Our Lord and the Samaritans John 4:31–42

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1. “My Meat is to Do the Will of Him that Sent Me and to Finish His Work,” vv. 31–38
As soon as the woman of Samaria left Jesus, what did the disciples do? What word in verse 31 shows that Jesus was in very deep thought after the departure of the woman? What about? Did Jesus yield to the earnest request of the disciples? In what physical condition had the disciples left Jesus when they went into the city? (vv. 6, 8.) Was Jesus really a-hungered now? Why not (v. 32)? What insight into the condition of the disciples at that time does verse 32 give? Are there many disciples today who do not know this food of which Jesus speaks? How did the disciples further reveal their stupidity (v. 33)? Are there any disciples today as dull as these?
Had the disciples spoken the question in verse 33 to Jesus? How then did Jesus know their question? What does this show about Jesus? What was Jesus’ answer to the question that they put to one another? What did Jesus mean by saying: “My meat is to do the will of Him that sent Me and to finish His work”? (compare Ps. 40:8; Is. 61:1–3; Luke 15:4–6; 19:10). What does verse 34 teach us as to the relation between Jesus and the Father? For what purpose did Jesus come into this world? (John 6:38.) What was all that Jesus sought to accomplish (v. 34, R. V.)? What was the Father’s work that Jesus sought to accomplish? Did Jesus accomplish it? (John 17:4.) What ought to be every disciple’s meat?
What time of year was it? How long was this before the harvest that the Jews had their eyes upon? What harvest did Jesus have His eyes upon? What was the condition of that harvest? What is the condition of that harvest today? Which harvest does it pay best to reap? What will one get if he reaps that harvest? (Dan. 12:2; Ro. 1:13; 6:22; 1 Cor. 3:14, 15; 9:19–23; Phil. 2:15, 16; 1 Thess. 2:19; 2 Tim. 4:7, 8; James 5:19, 20.) What kind of fruit does he gather? What two persons can rejoice together? Do the sowers and the reapers always rejoice together? Why not? When any one reaps this harvest, with whom ought the credit to be shared? What had Jesus sent the disciples to reap (v. 38)? Of whom is that true today? Does the reaper always recognize this fact?
2. A Great Revival, vv. 39–42
What was the effect of the woman’s testimony upon the Samaritans? How many were influenced by her testimony? What reason was there why her testimony might not be expected to count for much? What was it in the woman’s testimony that particularly convinced the Samaritans? What does the 39th verse teach about the power of testimony? Why are there not more persons won by the testimony of those who have seen and heard Jesus? If this woman’s testimony had so much power, who else’s testimony might have power?
Having believed because of this woman’s testimony, what did the Samaritans next do (v. 40)? What request did they make of Jesus? What reason did Jesus have for not yielding to their request? Why did He yield to it? With how many persons will Jesus abide today if they will only ask Him? (Rev. 3:20.) How long did He abide with the Samaritans? How long will He abide with us? What was the effect of Jesus’ visit with them? Why did these believe? Which is better, the faith that is built upon hearing testimony about Him, or the faith that is built on listening to Him? Upon what is your faith built, upon listening to some one else’s testimony about Him or listening to His own voice? How does true faith come? (Ro. 10:17, compare Heb. 11:1–30.) What did the Samaritans tell the woman that they had heard that was better than her testimony? What was the result of hearing for themselves? What did the Samaritans say that they knew?

1. Jesus Christ
His humanity, 31; His deity—He knew what the disciples were talking about though they had not spoken to Him, 33; His subordination to the Father, His love for the Father, His very meat to do the will of Him that sent Him and to finish His work, 34; His love for man, even the outcast, 40; the power of His word, 39, 41; the Saviour of the world, 42.
2. The Disciples
Knew not the meat that Jesus ate, 32; their spiritual dullness, 33; blind to the fact that the fields were white already for the harvest, 35; sent to reap a harvest upon which they had bestowed no labor, entered into other men’s labors, 38; exhorted by Jesus to lift up their eyes and behold the harvest that was already ripe, 35; received wages for reaping the harvest, gathered fruit unto life eternal, 36; called to rejoice together with the sowers, 36, 37.
3. The Samaritans
Many believed because of the testimony of the woman, 39; having believed in Jesus, came unto Jesus, besought Jesus to tarry with them, 40; heard Jesus for themselves, 41, 42; many more believed because of His own word, 41; when they heard Jesus, were quick to recognize in Him the Saviour of the world, 42.

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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