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SermonIndex - Promoting Revival to this Generation

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Text Sermons : ~Other Speakers A-F : Advice to Young Preachers : Objective of Preaching

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In the pulpit of the Highland Park Baptist Church in Chattanooga,
Teneessee are the words "Sir, we would see Jesus." Dr. Lee Roberson
placed those there years ago to make clear who his ministry was all
about-that being the Lord Jesus Christ. It would be wise for us to keep
thesame objective in mind. That is what the congregation needs to see in
our sermons. Dr. Tom Walker

Two men went to hear Dr. Joseph Parker in London. As they came away from
the church, they said," My, what eloquence! He knows how to choose the
right words and say them! His oratory is simply irresistable!" The same
two men went to the other side of town to hear Spurgeon on the following
Sunday. They left the service silently and reverently. One said, "My what
a Christ."
Knights Treasury of Illustrations--------Knight

Promoting Revival to this Generation.
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